Error: Folder specified does not exist. This could be because you manually entered the folder name in the URL or you don't have permission to access this folder"); exit; } //Chcek if directory is valid -done //This is a VERY important security feature. It wont allow people to browse directories above $dir_to_browse. Edit this part at your own risk $folders_in_URL_security = explode("../",$folder); if(count($folders_in_URL_security) > 1) { echo display_error_message("Access Denied."); exit; } //Seurity feature -done //Create navigation links $this_file_name_array = explode("/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $this_file_name = array_pop($this_file_name_array); $folders_in_URL = explode("/",rawurldecode($folder)); $depth = count($folders_in_URL); foreach($folders_in_URL as $key => $val) { $_temp = $_temp."/".$val; $folders_in_URL_array[$key] = $_temp; if($key == 0) { $_temp = $folders_in_URL[0]; $folders_in_URL_array[0] = $folders_in_URL[0]; } } $nav_links = "home/"; for($i=0;$i<$depth;$i++) { if(!empty($folder)) $nav_links = $nav_links."$folders_in_URL[$i]/"; else $nav_links = $nav_links."$folders_in_URL[$i]"; } echo "Index of: ".$nav_links."

"; //Create navigation links -done //Get directory content (filtered(without the excluded specified above)) and seperate files and folders to 2 arrays $dir_content = get_dir_content($dir_to_browse); //If file extensions are NOT case sensative if($case_sensative_ext == 0) { foreach($exclude_ext as $key => $val) { $temp_ext = $val; $exclude_ext[$key] = strtolower($temp_ext); } } //If file extensions are NOT case sensative -done //Filter content $filtered_content = array(); $filter_count = 0; foreach($dir_content as $key => $val) { $file_ext = explode(".",$val); $file_ext = ".".array_pop($file_ext); if(!in_array($val, $exclude) && !in_array($file_ext,$exclude_ext)) { $filtered_content[$filter_count] = $val; $filter_count++; } } if($exclude_this_file == 1) { $array_with_this_file_name = array(); $temp_filtered_content = $filtered_content; $filtered_content = array(); foreach($temp_filtered_content as $key => $val) { if($val == $this_file_name) { array_push($array_with_this_file_name, $key); } else $filtered_content[$key] = $val; } foreach($array_with_this_file_name as $key => $val) { $temp_path = $folder."/".$this_file_name; if(substr($temp_path,0,1) == "/") $temp_path = substr($temp_path,1); if(is_file($temp_path)) { $md5_temp_path = md5_file($temp_path); $md5_this_file = md5_file($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); if($md5_temp_path != $md5_this_file) { array_push($filtered_content, $this_file_name); } } else array_push($filtered_content, $this_file_name); } } //Filter content -done //Get directory content and seperate files and folders into 2 arrays -done if(!empty($filtered_content)) { $folders_count = 0; $files_count = 0; $folders_array = array(); $files_array = array(); foreach($filtered_content as $key => $val) { $path = $dir_to_browse.$val; if(is_dir($path)) { array_push($folders_array, $val); } else { array_push($files_array, $val); } } //Sort the files and folders arrays if(!empty($folders_array)) natcasesort($folders_array); if(!empty($files_array)) natcasesort($files_array); $folders_array_temp = array(); $files_array_temp = array(); foreach($folders_array as $key => $val) { array_push($folders_array_temp, $val); } foreach($files_array as $key => $val) { array_push($files_array_temp, $val); } $folders_array = $folders_array_temp; $files_array = $files_array_temp; //Sort the files and folders arrays -done //Determin OS PHP is running on if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') $OS = "windows"; //Determin OS PHP is running on -done //Get files and folders sizes and creation dates $folders_cdate_array = array(); $files_cdate_array = array(); $folders_size_array = array(); $files_size_array = array(); $files_total_size = 0; $folders_total_size = 0; foreach($files_array as $key => $val) { $path = $dir_to_browse.$val; $files_cdate_array[$key] = date("d F Y", filectime($path)); $file_bytes = filesize($path); $files_size_array[$key] = letter_size($file_bytes); $files_total_size = $files_total_size + $file_bytes; } foreach($folders_array as $key => $val) { $path = $dir_to_browse.$val; $path_slash = $dir_to_browse.$val."/"; $folders_cdate_array[$key] = date("d F Y", filectime($path)); if($show_folder_size) { if($OS == "windows") $folder_bytes = folder_size_windows($path_slash); else $folder_bytes = folder_size($path); $folders_size_array[$key] = letter_size($folder_bytes); $folders_total_size = $folders_total_size + $folder_bytes; } else $folders_size_array[$key] = "-"; } //Get files and folders sizes and creation dates -done //Generate content links to an array $folders_links_array = array(); $files_links_array = array(); foreach($folders_array as $key => $val) { $folders_links_array[$key] = ''.$val."
"; } foreach($files_array as $key => $val) { if(empty($folder)) $files_links_array[$key] = ''.$val."
"; else $files_links_array[$key] = ''.$val."
"; } //Generate content links to an array -done //Calculate table dimensions $table_width = (6*$cell_padding) + (4*$cell_spacing) + $width_of_files_column + $width_of_sizes_column + $width_of_dates_column; //calculate table dimensions -done //Palce the content into a table if($legend) echo "
KEY Folder

"; if($statistics) { echo' Show/hide statistics

"; foreach($folders_links_array as $key => $val) { echo""; } foreach($files_links_array as $key => $val) { if($key%2 == 0) $color = $color_1; else $color = $color_2; echo""; } echo "
File Size Date uploaded
$val $folders_size_array[$key] $folders_cdate_array[$key]
$val $files_size_array[$key] $files_cdate_array[$key]
"; //Palce the content into a table -done //Closing curley brace for the if(!empty($filtered_content)) } //Get directory content (filtered(without the excluded specified above)) and seperate files and folders to 2 arrays -done //Output if there is no content if(empty($filtered_content)) echo display_error_message("No files or folders in this directory: $folder"); //Output if there is no content -done //Functions function get_dir_content($path) { $php_version = substr(phpversion(),0,1); if($php_version > 4) { $content = scandir($path); return $content; } elseif($php_version == 4) { $content = array(); if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { array_push($content,$file); } closedir($handle); } return $content; } } function folder_size($path) { $folder_size = `du -s $path`; $size_array = explode("\t", $folder_size); return $size_array[0]*1024; } function folder_size_windows($path) { $exclude = array('.','..'); $content = scandir($path); //Filter content $filtered_content = array(); $filtered_content = array(); foreach($content as $key => $val) { if(!in_array($val, $exclude)) { array_push($filtered_content, $val); } } //Filter content -done foreach($filtered_content as $key => $val) { $content_path = $path.$val; if(is_dir($content_path)) { $content_path = $path.$val."/"; $directory_size = folder_size_windows($content_path); $total_directory_size = $total_directory_size + $directory_size ; } else { $file_size = filesize($content_path); $total_file_size = $total_file_size + $file_size; } } return ($total_file_size + $total_directory_size); } function letter_size($byte_size) { $file_size = $byte_size/1024; if ($file_size >= 1048576) { $file_size = $file_size/1048576; $file_size = sprintf("%01.2f", $file_size); $file_size = $file_size." GB"; } elseif ($file_size >= 1024) { $file_size = $file_size/1024; $file_size = sprintf("%01.2f", $file_size); $file_size = $file_size." MB"; } else { $file_size = sprintf("%01.1f", $file_size); $file_size = $file_size." KB"; } return $file_size; } function display_error_message($message) { return "
"; } //Functions -done //Display load time if($load_time) { $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $endtime = $mtime; $totaltime = ($endtime - $starttime); echo "
This page loaded in ".sprintf("%.3f", $totaltime)." seconds"; } //Display load time -done ?>